MCMURDO STATION, ANTARCTICA-- Today I visited the (New Zealand) Scott Base. The New Zealand base is next to some spectacular pressure ridges, which are caused by tides where the sea ice meets the land... {Read More »}
MCMURDO STATION, ANTARCTICA-- The pressure ridges we explored here form where a large mass of sea ice buckles under pressure as it makes contact with land (in this case, Ross Island where McMurdo Station and Scott Base are located). It was like walking through a park of ice sculptures!... {Read More »}
ABOARD THE JOIDES RESOLUTION, ON THE BERING SEA-- The JOIDES Resolution is equipped with some of the best devices available to do her job. She is designed to move quickly on the ocean carrying a great deal of equipment and people to remote locations, and the ocean can be a rough place... {Read More »}
SOUTH POLE STATION, ANTARCTICA-- Before I left McMurdo, I got a tour of the pressure ridges near Scott Base (the New Zealand station very close to McMurdo). The pressure ridges are formed by tidal forces... {Read More »}