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Pages and Posts Tagged ‘solar radiation’

Measuring Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide at the South Pole

SOUTH POLE, ANTARCTICA-- At the South Pole, carbon dioxide has been measured for just over 50 years now and there are a few different methods of obtaining a CO2 value... {Read More »}

Aerosols in the Atmosphere

SOUTH POLE, ANTARCTICA-- Several weeks ago, I explained how solar radiation is the main driver of the Earth's climate. When solar radiation passes through the atmosphere and makes its way towards Earth, it can get absorbed, reflected, refracted, or scattered. One of those substances in the atmosphere that can either absorb or scatter solar radiation are aerosols... {Read More »}

As Sunset Approaches…Let’s Talk Solar Radiation

SOUTH POLE, ANTARCTICA-- Station closing occurred on February 14th at 2:30 AM as the last flight did a spectacular fly-by to wish us well on our eight month deep freeze. No more cargo in or out and we are on our own now... {Read More »}