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Pages and Posts Tagged ‘McMurdo Sound’

Where Have All the Whales Gone?

CAPE ROYDS, ROSS ISLAND, ANTARCTICA– Since the early 20th century when exploration of the Ross Sea became common, killer whales have been sighted regularly and described as the most abundant whale in the area. Recently, the killer whales... {Read More »}

Drilling the Sea Ice

MCMURDO STATION, ANTARCTICA-- Drilling a hole through 7 m (21 ft) of sea ice is the first step in Antarctic diving.... {Read More »}

Penguins’ Best Friends Are Minke Whales

CAPE ROYDS, ANTARCTICA-- I’m sure Inuits have a name for it, but otherwise it’s the fizzing sound as great expanses of ice dissolve so rapidly that any air still between its spaces or molecules is released into the atmosphere. We heard that sound... {Read More »}

Diving by Proxy

MCMURDO STATION, ANTARCTICA-- Last week, we shot footage of our colleague John Weller preparing to SCUBA dive under the ice. I felt a definite pang of regret that I wasn't joining him in the 28 degree water... {Read More »}

The Courage to Question

OFFSHORE NEW HARBOR CAMP, ANTARCTICA-- There’s something weird about staking bamboo flags into Antarctic sea ice. Plunging the remnants of a regal plant into an environment so different from its own rings untrue. The natural wonder of bamboo’s fortitude against majestic Antarctic landscapes gives me pause. It’s only then that the reality of my situation strikes me... {Read More »}

The Early Returns: We and the Penguins

CAPE ROYDS, ROSS ISLAND, ANTARCTICA-- This season, Jean came down to McMurdo Station a few weeks early with the idea of setting up a time-lapse camera at Cape Royds to record the complete cycle of colony formation as penguins returned from their wintering area... {Read More »}

Nights in Antarctica

OFFSHORE NEW HARBOR CAMP, ANTARCTICA-- The sea ice pops and cracks beneath our camp. They said the cold would make me sleep. But the sound is eerie entertainment that keeps my mind from slumber... {Read More »}

Sea Ice Training

MCMURDO STATION, ANTARCTICA-- The Hagglund awaited us as we prepared to depart for sea ice training. This was a requirement since our expedition is to be based on the ice that forms over the ocean of McMurdo Sound every austral winter. We had to learn how to identify cracks... {Read More »}

A Gorgeous Day at McMurdo

MCMURDO STATION, ANTARCTICA-- The last couple of days have been really busy down here at McMurdo. I’ve been going through a lot of training sessions and have had many meetings with our team. We’ve been trying to get all of our equipment together for the long journey across the sea ice... {Read More »}

Our Chariot Awaits

MCMURDO STATION, ANTARCTICA-- After an early start for breakfast in Christchurch, New Zealand, I went to the Clothing Distribution Center (CDC) before most of the Team to turn in my excess baggage: the camera equipment provided by the Exploratorium for Ice Stories... {Read More »}