Ice Stories
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Seeing the Past with Sound Dispatches

Mining Ice

OFFSHORE NEW HARBOR CAMP, ANTARCTICA-- You might be surprised to know that water is one of the most scarce resources in Antarctica. It makes Antarctic camping very difficult...

The Courage to Question

OFFSHORE NEW HARBOR CAMP, ANTARCTICA-- There’s something weird about staking bamboo flags into Antarctic sea ice. Plunging the remnants of a regal plant into an environment so different from its own rings untrue. The natural wonder of bamboo’s fortitude against majestic Antarctic landscapes gives me pause. It’s only then that the reality of my situation strikes me...

Homeward Bound

OFFSHORE NEW HARBOR CAMP, ANTARCTICA-- November 24th, 2008: my final day at the Offshore New Harbor Camp. After completing nearly 48 kilometers of seismic data collection...

Our Scientific Process

OFFSHORE NEW HARBOR CAMP, ANTARCTICA-- In this video dispatch, Dr. Marvin Speece, professor of geophysical engineering at Montana Tech and co-Principal Investigator of the Offshore New Harbor Project, discusses how our expedition collects scientific data...

Two Kiwi Drillers

OFFSHORE NEW HARBOR CAMP, ANTARCTICA-- To me the cornerstone of any true friendship is the belief in someone’s integrity. Sometimes I will go years without gaining a true friend. Other times, I’ll just get lucky and stumble upon a few God-sent souls that say what they mean...

Fata Morgana

OFFSHORE NEW HARBOR CAMP, ANTARCTICA-- Fata Morgana. This Italian expression rolls nicely off the tongue, but what do these foreign and wonderful words mean? What is the origin of this ghostly term? How does this phenomenon manifest itself in nature?...

Journey to Our Field Camp

OFFSHORE NEW HARBOR CAMP, ANTARCTICA-- This video captures the energy and excitement of our traverse across the sea ice to the Offshore New Harbor Field Camp...

The Ice Cave

MCMURDO STATION, ANTARCTICA-- After our full day of sea ice training, we headed back to McMurdo Station, with a steaming Mt. Erebus looming above us amid a picturesque swirling wispy sky. Yet what was in store was the highlight of the day. We found out that our next destination was an ice cave...

Nights in Antarctica

OFFSHORE NEW HARBOR CAMP, ANTARCTICA-- The sea ice pops and cracks beneath our camp. They said the cold would make me sleep. But the sound is eerie entertainment that keeps my mind from slumber...

Sea Ice Training

MCMURDO STATION, ANTARCTICA-- The Hagglund awaited us as we prepared to depart for sea ice training. This was a requirement since our expedition is to be based on the ice that forms over the ocean of McMurdo Sound every austral winter. We had to learn how to identify cracks...