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Pages and Posts Tagged ‘survival’

Foxes on the Edge

DEADHORSE, ALASKA-- Arctic fox seem to make their living by following bears around and scavenging. We have seen foxes trailing behind bears as they travel, and their tracks often wind around bear prints... {Read More »}

Setting Up Camp

WHILLANS ICE STREAM, ANTARCTICA-- The first order of business was to set up camp. First we collected all our gear at our chosen site and pitched our cook tent... {Read More »}

Field Deployment

WHILLANS ICE STREAM, ANTARCTICA-- We landed at our field site after a three hour flight from McMurdo Station. Climbing out of the plane we were in a white flat expanse... {Read More »}

On the Menu

MCMURDO STATION, ANTARCTICA-- One of the necessary steps once arriving in McMurdo is going to the Food Room and collect all the food you will be bringing with you to the field... {Read More »}

Interview with Todd Carmichael

SOUTH POLE STATION, ANTARCTICA-- In November 2008, Todd Carmichael set out on a quest to become the first American to ski from the coast of Antarctica to the South Pole solo and unassisted. The South Pole was 600 nautical miles away. Just several miles into the journey, his ski bindings broke. He continued on foot... {Read More »}

Mining Ice

OFFSHORE NEW HARBOR CAMP, ANTARCTICA-- You might be surprised to know that water is one of the most scarce resources in Antarctica. It makes Antarctic camping very difficult... {Read More »}

Going Camping in Antarctica

SOUTH POLE STATION, ANTARCTICA-- On December 12/13, I did the Antarctic survival training course, also called "Happy Camper." This course is a prerequisite for going off-base on unguided tours... {Read More »}

One Month in the Deep Field, Part 2

CHRISTCHURCH, NEW ZEALAND-- We spent the first week or so in the deep field visiting GPS stations that were left out on the ice over-winter and setting out passive seismometers. Whillans Ice Stream behaves in a unique way – it slips twice a day in episodes that are linked to the tidal cycle... {Read More »}

My Snow School Experience

MCMURDO STATION, ANTARCTICA-- I think part of the magic of this being my second trip to Antarctica is how, thus far, it has been completely unique to my last trip... {Read More »}

Don’t Fall in That Crack

MCMURDO STATION, ANTARCTICA-- Imagine yourself driving a snowmobile in bone-chilling cold, upon a windswept snowfield, in Antarctica, your body is weary and you look forward… {Read More »}