Ice Stories
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Seeing the Past with Sound Dispatches

Sizing Up the Dragon

MCMURDO STATION, ANTARCTICA-- “Have your bags ready.” Everyday it seems we are on hold to leave for the sea ice. Our team is anxious to set up field camp. We are days behind schedule in our expedition. We’ve had set back after set back...

Hurry Up and Wait

MCMURDO STATION, ANTARCTICA-- It’s hurry up and wait around here. We’ve had one set back after another. Our science sled wasn’t ready when we arrived. We’ve overcome obstacle after obstacle struggling to get it fit for the field...

Happy Camper School

MCMURDO STATION, ANTARCTICA-- As the Delta drove away after dropping off our group for Happy Camper School, also known as “Snowcraft 1” and survival training, I had a distinct mix of adrenaline excitement and nervousness...

Antarctic Waste Management

MCMURDO STATION, ANTARCTICA-- Here I interview James Van Matre, Waste Management Supervisor at McMurdo Station. We talk about Antarctica's waste management practices of the past and present, and why it's important to recycle...

Firefighter Howie

MCMURDO STATION, ANTARCTICA-- Today I had the opportunity to interview Lieutenant Mosher of the McMurdo Station Fire Department. He gave me a tour of the whole firehouse and showed me all the fire trucks they use...


MCMURDO STATION, ANTARCTICA-- If you think all scientists are confined to the sterile environment of a lab, you’d be ill-informed. Science can take you around the world, to see places and things unimaginable.

A Gorgeous Day at McMurdo

MCMURDO STATION, ANTARCTICA-- The last couple of days have been really busy down here at McMurdo. I’ve been going through a lot of training sessions and have had many meetings with our team. We’ve been trying to get all of our equipment together for the long journey across the sea ice...


MCMURDO STATION, ANTARCTICA-- They keep asking, “Are you with the group that’s traversing the sea ice?” When they ask, they have this look -- a look that says, “ouch.” These are the old school Antarctic guys, the “winter over” people...

Our Chariot Awaits

MCMURDO STATION, ANTARCTICA-- After an early start for breakfast in Christchurch, New Zealand, I went to the Clothing Distribution Center (CDC) before most of the Team to turn in my excess baggage: the camera equipment provided by the Exploratorium for Ice Stories...

Geared Up and Ready to Fly

CHRISTCHURCH, NEW ZEALAND-- Things have been a bit on edge here in Christchurch over the last few days or so. The problem has been the bad weather down at McMurdo Station, Antarctica. And all talk revolves around flight schedules...