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Pages and Posts Tagged ‘South Pole’

South Pole Ack Camp

SOUTH POLE STATION, ANTARCTICA-- After more than a month in McMurdo, members of the AGAP team are camping at the South Pole to get their bodies acclimatized to high altitude living. Their destination is AGAP south camp in the East Antarctic Ice Sheet... {Read More »}

The Eve of Discovery

MCMURDO STATION, ANTARCTICA-- It has been a rollercoaster week. This time last Friday, I would have been desperate to get my hands on some data. I was the kid that asks for homework. I was aimless and lost without it... {Read More »}

The Shackleton Nimrod Expedition Relived

MCMURDO STATION, ANTARCTICA-- In just the short time that I have spent in McMurdo, I have experienced many amazing things, most of them for the first time. And today was no different. A couple of us from our science team joined about 40 other people from town in meeting an expedition team as they passed through on their way to the South Pole... {Read More »}

Journey to the South Pole

300KM FROM SOUTH POLE, ANTARCTICA-- The Norwegian-US Traverse, Year 2, Begins! We still haven't started on our big trip, (the actual traverse), but we are getting closer and closer! This seems amazing given how far we've come already... {Read More »}

The South Pole(s)

When you imagine the South Pole, what do you see? An empty, frozen, white expanse with a red- and white-striped pole sticking out? {Read More »}

Astronomy in Antarctica

Ask an astronomer to describe the perfect place to put a telescope, and here’s what she’ll tell you: Make it cold, make it dark, make it high-altitude, and make it remote. In short, make it Antarctica. {Read More »}

South Pole Telescope

Jeff McMahon, Kathryn Schaffer, and Tom Crawford are all postdoctoral scientists at the University of Chicago and members of the South Pole Telescope Team. In the Antarctic summer season of 2006/7, the team raced to assemble a 30-foot (10-m) telescope at the South Pole, and in the 2007/8 season they upgraded and installed new equipment before running the telescope through its paces to collect more data about the mysterious cosmological force of dark energy. {Read More »}


The IceCube project is designed to detect high-energy neutrinos, particles created by the most violent events in the solar system: black holes, gamma ray bursts, and supernovas. When complete, the detector will serve as a deep-space telescope, allowing scientists to see impossibly distant cosmic events by detecting the neutrinos they generate. {Read More »}

Polar Geography

Literally on opposite ends of the earth, the Arctic and Antarctica are vast, icy, and cold, but beyond that they’re very different. Antarctica, in the south, is a continent surrounded by ocean; the Arctic is an ocean surrounded by continents. {Read More »}

Leaving on the Very Last Plane

The station is closing today. It is one day earlier than we were expecting, which means we have had a last-minute scramble to finish all… {Read More »}