For the International Polar Year, we gave polar scientists cameras and blogging tools and asked them to document their field work. Follow along on their adventures and see what it's like to be a research scientist in the Arctic or Antarctica. {Read More»}
Scientists at NOAA’s Atmospheric Research Observatory (ARO) at the South Pole are measuring global atmospheric carbon dioxide levels from the cleanest air on earth. {Read More»}
IceCube Neutrino Telescope Join us as we talk to scientists working with IceCube, a neutrino telescope buried in the ice under the South Pole. Running Time: 00:39:52
ABOARD THE USCGC HEALY, ON THE BEAUFORT SEA– Recovering a mooring of any significant size essentially amounts to getting it to the surface and picking it up with a ship using a crane... {Read More»}
CAPE ROYDS, ROSS ISLAND, ANTARCTICA– This year the breeding colony at Cape Royds has experienced several large snow storms. A little snow is okay, but this year the amount is more than usual... {Read More»}
MCMURDO STATION, ANTARCTICA-- Any person who is required to venture off base, or out of McMurdo, has to take a course called Snowcraft 1 or ‘Happy Camper School’. We learn the basics of camping in Antarctica with our survival kit... {Read More»}
SOUTHERN OCAEN-- Phytoplankton were active in these waters during this June cruise. Although ten times lower than in the summer, their rates show an active… {Read More»}