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First UAV Flight in East Antarctica

HANOVER, NEW HAMPSHIRE– Andreas Tollefsen of Norut (Northern Research Institute) in Norway, was in charge of flying the UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) we had along with us on the traverse. The UAV carried a payload of several instruments, a radar and camera, that we used to help image a large area surrounding our traverse route. Flying the UAV is tricky up on the plateau, the high altitude, strong winds, and cold temperatures make almost everything difficult. But Andreas did have the first UAV flight in East Antarctica, not a small feat, and we all got the thrill of watching it.

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One Response »

  1. Hi Zoe,

    I’m a philatelic collector from India with passion for Artic and Antarctic Philatelic items. You guys are real extraordinary people with opportunity to be in that area.

    Can you help me with some postally cancelled covers from your next expedition?

    I can send you mint covers with stamps affixed on them and another envelope to send these cancelled covers back. I request you to cancel these mint covers with special postmarks from your expedition and send them back to me.


    Ajay Sirpal